Bustedcompass.com -
paddock for the
Ruptured Buzzard Raiders,
...and Friends!
Rally on...
to the Busted Compass, come and sit around our campfire for awhile.
Take off your warpaint and bench race with us under the stars. It's
been a long day, hot and dusty, perhaps muddy and rutty too - but now's
a good time to just pull up and relax, and swap tales of adventure. We may not be getting any younger, but they haven't thrown dirt over ME yet - not for keepsies anyway. And I have seen more than one old buzzard get
up from underneath a mushroom cloud when it seemed like he could be
going down for a Dirt Nap. There are no easy miles off-road, and
if there were, then all the weiners would want to do it. No Squids -
Happy Raids... and NEVER GIVE UP.
Berg and "JWats" riding with their tails on fire - inbound to San Francisquito, Baja California Norte on the Sea of Cortez.

photo by Marshal Bird

photo by Berg Briggs

photo by Jay Cunnigan

photo by Marshal Bird

photo by Marshal Bird

"The Buzzards." When you wake up in the middle of the night and you are
absolutely CERTAIN you simply have to cross that desert, navigate that
rock garden, circumnavigate the Tetons, crawl through a minefield or
storm a fortress - these are the kind of people you want to say "YES"
when you are pleading for some fool to contemplate joining you.
"Crane-Nutts" Eric
"Team Swine" Berg Brents
Dave "Stovebolt" Brad Joe
"JWats" Wyman
Shannon Rohn
Randy "Fast Randy" "Don"
Drew Dorothy Travis Joe
Craig Ben "other"
Randy Kelly Linus Steve
Lincoln Dale Doug "Mike"
Keith Shane
Tim Brian Nick Jay
"Jaybone" Andy
Derek Tye "Mike" Steve
Richard Mike
Joe" Lanny
Hans Doug Dale
Herm "The A-Rab"
Trevor Robert Dave
Yoshi Danny Zeke Geff

Raids of the Ruptured Buzzards
- International One-Day Manlius-to-Hell-and-Gone Ruptured Buzzard Enduro, ca. 1975
Follow my friend Kurt (Genghis9021 on Adv Rider) across Siberia on his 7,000-mile solo
motorcycle sojourn!
His blog is here:
ThisaThataway Tour
Track Stovey and other Buzzards in real time mins 10 minutes with SPOTcasting! Click image below to follow fresh tracks with the SPOT Satellite MEssenger / Tracker...
And, click on this to view past Adventures saved in Team Ruptured Buzzard SPOT Adventures Archives, with maps and pics.
What's Stovey's schedule look like?
Look for Stovey out
on the trail and at ADVRider events, dualsport rides and elsewhere
during the upcoming 2011 riding season. If you see my logo, honk, beep,
throw a rock -give me a roost, just say "HI!" I'll be out there....
2016? - If it's at all possible, Stovey wants to take a whack at the TOUREG RALLY in North Africa, and compete in Tunisia. Raiding across the Sahara would be a dream come true. On the "dream list" until further notice...
Deep in the heart of nowhere, just outside the back of beyond...
just returned from a 3,000-mile trip with my dirt bike hanging off the
rear bumper of the Mighty Dodge. Centered in New Mexico and with a focus
on visiting and documenting sites of interest to adventure riders in
general and armchair spook stories in particular, the project has been
in the works for two years as of the time of departure. While this trip
had sites of interest identified as “interesting” for one reason or
another, it was only the New Mexico sites that had my undivided
attention for the past 8 days. Another 16 sites remain to be visited, or
revisited, to complete the final phases of documenting the experiences
of going to hard-to-get-to, out of the way, forbidden, or otherwise not-
likely-to- be-discovered places that lie mostly in the remote
hinterlands of the western and southwestern United States.
last week found me riding my (street legal) off-road motorcycle en
route to the Very Large Array to the west of Magdalena. I also visited
the Lonnie Zamora landing zone and commemorative location in Socorro, a
place said to mark the spot where on April 24th, 1964, Police Officer
Zamora personally witnessed an air vehicle of some unknown type on the
ground in an arroyo. He claimed to have witnessed occupants of the
vehicle get inside the ship and watched it take off and fly away. It was
a case that turned Dr. J. Allen Hynek, professional debunker for the
United States Air Force and a skeptic, into a bona fide open-minded
scientific investigator for the rest of his life.
It was
my good fortune to be able to meet with and interview two men who
personally stood guard around the site in order to establish a perimeter
in support of the USAF investigation. These were among five men I was
able to meet last week in Socorro who were all members of the 259th
Military Police Company, Stallion Range Center, United States 5th Army,
stationed together at White Sands Missile Base from 1963-1965. They were
there celebrating their 50th reunion during the annual public open
house to the Trinity Bomb Site located within the restricted confines of
White Sands Missile Range. My plan to be there for the open house at
Trinity came to fruition as well, and it was a stunning adventure riding
my bike across such highly restricted ground.
I also
visited two of the three (four?) purported crash sites of an
extraterrestrial vehicle outside of Roswell. My research came in handy
during the navigation to find both the Ragsdale crash site near Arabella
as well as the site commonly known as “the debris field” on the former
Foster Ranch where rancher Mac Brazel found “something” and reported his
findings to authorities. According to my research it was a decision,
although properly grounded and righteously performed by Mr. Brazel, that
he came to regret for the rest of his life. The Corn Hub Ranch site is
purportedly no longer open to the public for viewing, which was not a
disappointment in my travels.
My trip took me to the
National Space History Museum in Alamagordo as well – a place I can
highly recommend for the space enthusiast in all of us. It was no
navigational challenge to locate, and in fact they even encourage
visitation by inviting people to come in and take a look around.
so for most of the places I am visiting, researching and
circumnavigating during the course of my project. For example, I left
America for a few days in order to visit the controversial site entirely
within the confines of the Jicarilla Apache Nation, and was on foreign
soil for the duration of this site visit and interviews. First Nations
reservations are sovereign nations – some more so than others in terms
of how they establish themselves in each different native community. The
Jicarilla Apache leave no question in your mind about how they view
their sovereignty during the course of official interactions with the
tribal council, law enforcement officers and the Game and Fish
Department. I came away from an in-depth visit with great respect for
the way they handled my requests, answered my questions, performed my
escorts and assisted me in my efforts.
I also learned
much from listening to locals and officials concerning the history of
the infamous Archuleta Mesa to the north of town. It was a thrill to
receive permission and an escort to visit the mesa, and to ride my dirt
bike across the top of it as a sanctioned visitor to this area – very
rarely visited by Anglos. Do not attempt this without making formal
contact and receiving official permission from the tribe. A person who
does this risks all.
In all, I traveled nearly 3,000
miles in my truck and on the bike after launching two wheels from
campsites staked in the vicinity of each place of interest. I logged
nearly 90GB of video and captured more than 800 still photographs to go
along with my interviews that tallied about 11 hours. I made invaluable
contacts for future reference and made inroads toward making previously
locked gates become unlocked for me as part of this project. Hard work,
months of research, hours of planning and navigation scoping won me an
opportunity for serendipity to knock on my door – and knock it did! I
can’t believe my good luck on this trip. Mission accomplished –
expectations exceeded!
More sites ahead on my radar
screen as I take to the field during the Spring and Summer of 2015 in
Idaho and Utah. Fall, winter and spring will find me again in New
Mexico, as well as back in Nevada and in Colorado before going into
production on this next book project and the DVD. Take-home message
would be to pursue your dreams, attack the goals. I haven't let time and
circumstance knock me out of my own game - adventure, travel and
off-road motorcycling.
Go get some...
January - Mojave Mayhem Crossing the Mojave Preserve on the Old Government Trail to Death Valley
February - Flipper squeezing in the Tetons... snowmobiling through area cornices on a fuel injected porpoise
March - Bike refurbish for upcoming season, cabin sequester for "Legends" ride planning in the Fall
April - Skiing from the awakening grizzlies at the Lucky Dog. Offroad breakouts in Wyoming and Montana
May - Red Desert and foothills of the Wind River Range. Lucky Dog kiosk embellishments.
June - Video Teton cirumnavigation. Annual IFTMA Fun Enduro. Guests in Cabin.
July - LOF5 pre-ride Centennial connections. Complete construction of "Cafe Buzzard..." Guests in cabin.
August - LOF5 final route completion. Guests in cabin.
September - "5th Annual Legends of the Fall Team Ruptured Buzzard Rally Raid, MT1k" 9/7 - 9/15
October - Nevada
November - Moab
December - California
January - Moab - Arches and Canyonlands
February - Sledding! Finalize manuscript. New product development.
March - Red Desert Raiding, Grand Canyon, Grand Staircase/Escalante, Box Death Hollow, Capital Reef, Flaming Gorge
April - The Big Sandy
May - Finalize manuscript
June - Begin weekly Teton circumnavigations, IFTMA Annual Fun Enduro
July - KLIM Rally, Host guests near Yellowstone
August - Bugouts in Wyoming, Idaho and Montana
September - Publish "Best of Team Ruptured Buzzard Rally Raids!"
October - 4th Annual Legends of the Fall Trans-Nevada Cactus Slash and Badger Bash Rachel to Rachel Rally Raid!
November - Moab
December - Yellowstone and Texas! "Big Ultimate Terlingua Tour" in Big Bend Ranch State Park
January / February = Sledding season, ride that sleigh like he stole it! Tetons and Island Park
March = Hand and wrist reconstruction surgery.... uh-oh
March / April / May = Convalesce, second surgery, rehab. Rebuild wrist and bike for 2011
May = Back to work! Host out-of-towners, finish writing projects. Buff out 450 Six Days... purrrrr....
June = Central America for 2 weeks. On a beach with Dorothy for 25th wedding anniversary
July = Work! Montana 1000 and West Fest
August = Teton circumnavigations. Host Australian Adventure Rider(s)
September = Hahn Town Site campout and off-road blitzkreig, Idaho
October = 3rd Annual Legends of the Fall Trans-Nevada Area 51 Circumnavigation and SLAC Wrist Revenge Rally Raid
November = Moab
December = Prep for 35-Year Racer Reunion of Team Ruptured Buzzard in Hatfield-McCoy
January - April = Sledding season, skiing and riding in the Tetons and Island Park
May = Tetons, Island
Park, Red Desert of Wyoming, Flattops in Colorado
June = NJ, MD and DE and more in Idaho
July = Montana 1000 Rally and West Fest
August = World of Speed in Bonneville with Team Bullet, LSR Warrior Pits
September = New York
October = The 2nd Annual Legends of the Fall Trans-Nevada Whore house Hare & Hound Dual Sport to Area 51 for No Wimps Rally Raid
November = Moab
December = Prep for Baja
Stovey@bustedcompass.com Keith ambles over Beartooth Pass on a Summer Day
Jorge Sandez aka "Coco" "Mike," "Mike," "Mike," "Mike," & "Mike" (photo by Richard)
Sponsored by "Captain Fur-illo"
Team Ruptured Buzzard is accepting offers for sponsorship in order to further our adventurous exploits worldwide. We already have a great start by my dog, but the following is a partial list of preferred sponsors yet to be on board. Again, the following organizations have not yet offered support, but either FULL or COMPLETE sponsorships, donations and salaries would be considered. TRB preferred sponsor organizations are as follows, in no particular order:

KTM Garmin Rice & Beans National Geographic Society Ford Foundation Husaberg Pizza Hut Cabelas The Weather Channel Smith & Wesson NASA
Oakley Speedo Santa Claus
Mexican Federal Police Force No Fear Coca Cola
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Taco Bell New York City
Internal Revenue Service The Bellagio Cornell
American Motorcycle Assn. Disneyland The KGB
Alpinestars Honda Motorex
Daimler Chrysler NASCAR Aerosmith
Rocky Mountain ATV Mensa Snoopy's Bar
Cousteau Society Arai FBI
Bigfoot Gatorade Rand McNally
Delta Force Nikon Tide
20th Century Fox Pennzoil Wall Street